
Li Yugang

Li Yugang

Li Yugang is a young artist: the national first-level actor, China Youth Federation committee, and the soloist of China Opera and Dance Drama Theatre (CODDC). The magnum opus of CD are: “The New Edition of Drunken Beauty Yang”, “Dreaming Poems”, and “Lotus”. The representative work of opera and drama are: “Flower in Water & Moon in Mirror”, “The Portrait of Four Ancient Beautie”s, and “The Legend of Zhaojun”.

Depending on his charming performance and his melodious songs, he opens the Chinese cultural window to the world. He delivers both traditional quintessence and new-age elegance. At the same time he wins lots of noble awards for hundreds of showing.

Li Yugang has double ID: one is a representative of commons, the other is an idol of art circle. During the period of "Chinese popularity" in the world, he is supported by millions of fans. Up to this day, His influence has already surpassed the entertainment. In the social field of literature, aesthetics, and philosophy, he becomes an all-known person in the world.



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